Q. What is Foundit?
A. Foundit is an online facility
which connects Parts people to stock. 
Q. What does it cost?
A. There are a number of different packages designed to suit the needs and size of your business. Please contact us to discuss a specific package to suit you. We are more than happy to set you up for a trial period so you can see for yourself how Foundit works.
Fees are payable monthly. If you have more than one site or location, then an additional fee will apply to list them. Payment is made by automatic payment.
There may also be a one-off fee to set up getting your stock
on to Foundit. Naturally this varies from business to
business, depending on the computer system you use.
Q. How do I join?
A. Click
JOIN on the website. Foundit will
then ring and get all the details
needed for getting you set up
Q. What do I get?
A. Once registered, we provide you
with a User ID and password. This provides you with access
to Foundit. From there
you are in touch with the leading database for finding
parts fast. Ordering, Inquiry and Wanted facilities are
all there.
You'll be contacted once a month to follow up on how Foundit is helping your business.
And with your input Foundit is under development all the
time. So expect more features to be added soon. Check on
News for details. 
Q. How do I use it?
A. Click here to learn how to use Foundit and how it can benefit you and your business.
This six-part presentation will introduce you to the features of Foundit. To view the presentation, you will need Macromedia's Flash Player. If you do not have this installed, you can download it here.
Q. Can I test drive?
A. Yes. Contact Foundit and we'll
set up a trial ID. This will give you a couple of logons
and you can take a look
Q. Can I load my information into Foundit®?
A. Yes. If you can send information
through electronically then Foundit will read this and
add your stock to the
Foundit database. There are a number of ways to do this,
it is best if Foundit's computer people talk directly with
a computer person in your organisation to work through this.
Once the best way has been determined Foundit will let
know the one-off investment to set this up.
To help, we've listed some technical stuff here:-
- Data can be in any format, so
if you're already sending
information elsewhere then maybe sending Foundit that
file as well is a good place to start.
- E-Mail as
an attachment to info@foundit.co.nz.
- Foundit is also
able to offer FTP as an option.
- Send as much information
through as you can. While
Foundit will only display Stock and Availability
work is underway on adding to this. In addition to
Franchise, Part Number and Stock on hand as a minimum
send through, Flags for marking Old Stock, Pricing,
and Comments are other pieces of information to send
through today.
Q. What if I can't find the part I'm looking for?
A. Use the Wanted List for an item of stock which is not
listed on Foundit.
A good description is necessary when the part number is
Look for the Wanted List button along the top of each page after you've logged in. Use the Add To Wanted List button beside List Parts to add your own Wanted items. 
Q. What does 'NEG' mean?
A. Stock
can be identified as being negotiable
in price on
Foundit. flashing in red /
green is displayed
next to the appropriate part.
an example, see part number
105 stocked by McLaren Machinery Ranfurly (RNF).
If you have items to display
as NEG, identify them on your
next stocklist. Eg. LF670, filter,
27, n
The ‘n’ will signify
NEG to the Foundit programmers.
Q. Can I update my site and contact details?
A. Not yet. Foundit does this for
you. Let Foundit know during a followup, or send changes
through to be actioned.  |